“Rootless, cosmopolitan, bi-or trilingual, neither of them fit into the ranks of ‘international writers’ that break down possible obstacles to the universal reader with ecumenical narratives and exportable variants of their respective languages, or the new contingents of ‘exotic writers,’ who over-emphasize national or regional peculiarities to earn themselves a place in theme parks for global culture. Both have managed, however, to convey the contemporary experience of a large world, with conceptual narrative experiments that expand generic limits, time arcs and the geography of fiction, with topological reconfigurations that transform the very subject of the stories. They share, at first sight, the seminal mark of the great ‘extra-territorial’ writers (Frank Kafka, José Luis Borges, Samuel Beckett, Julio Cortázar) and the proto-conceptualists from Oulipo (Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec), spiced up with the knowledge of their time and more recent models from their respective traditions. But the differences that become clear in their dialog are even more eloquent.” [Sigue leyendo]
Art Margins, 5 de agosto de 2015.